Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sonrisa pt 1; “She’s coming back!”

The Fight

Sonrisa Part 1
The announcement
Fedora Bannister knew something was up as soon as Sacia Moretti sat down at the lunch table, she looked unusually happy, she was smiling and looked like she was about to burst with happiness. Bryan Bannister eyed her suspiciously before asking what was up.
“She’s coming back!” Sacia exclaimed.
Fedora glanced at AeGuk Baek, who looked back at her. “Who?” They asked.
Sonrisa!” Sacia said.
Friend flinched, Sonrisa Rivera, she was Sacia’s best friend who was always mean to Friend, calling her fat all the time. She mysteriously disappeared last summer, Sacia said she went on a trip but she would never tell them were too. She didn’t know why but she always felt there was something weird about her leaving.
“Great.” Fedora said sarcastically.
“Does that mean you’re going to leave us?” Bryan said, looking sad.
“No, why?” Sacia said.
“Because, Sonrisa will want to sit with her friends, Gregg and Chrisselle.” Fedora said, Greggory Davis and Chrisselle Date were Sacia and Sonrisa’s old best friends. “Duh.”
“Oh, do you think she will?” Sacia said, biting her lip.
“Duh, why would she sit with us. The dweebs.” Fedora said, Sonrisa had been super obsessed with popularity.
“Oh, well...” Sacia said, playing with her food.
“Aw, come on. Gregg and Chris can sit with us too.” Bryan said, practically begging.
“Do you think that will work?” Sacia said, brightening up.
“Why not.” Bryan said.
“Yeah right, you do remember Sonrisa, right? She was obsessed with popularity. Like she’ll want to hang out with the dweeb squad.” Fedora said, grimacing. “Not gonna happen, and who said I want her sitting with us. Remember that time she said I was as big as two people?”
Sacia laughed, “that was so funny, you, like, freaked out!”
“Yeah, hilarious.” Fedora said, sarcastically.
“Sorry.” Sacia said, crossing her arms, suddenly getting defensive. Something she did when ever she thought a fight was about to happen. “Look, we don’t need to sit here. We’ll sit with our old friends, I never liked it here anyway. You know that I’m only sitting here because it’s better then sitting alone.”
“Yeah right, you could sit with Gregg and Chris.” Fedora said, crossing her arms too, getting ready for a fight. “And you looked pretty hopeful earlier when Bryan said that Chris and Gregg could sit here.”
“That wasn’t hope.” Sacia said.
“What was it, fear?” Fedora said, laughing sarcastically. “Fear that you’ll never ever become popular again, boo hoo, yeah right. You lost that chance when Harriette came here.”
Harriette Brown was Fedora’s cousin and old best friend, I guess you could say she was still her best friend but Fedora did not feel like she was.
“Why are you so obsessed with Harriette?” Sacia exclaimed suddenly. “Every thing you say always has something to do with Harriette and how popular she is. Well boo hoo, cry me a river. She used to be your best friend, now she’s not. Get over it.”
“I do not act like that!” Fedora said, standing up. Everyone in the cafeteria looked over at them.
“Oh, whatever.” Sacia said, rolling her eyes. “I just wanted to share good news with you and this is what happens.” She stood up. “I’m leaving, goodbye.”
“Wait, no.” Bryan called, as Sacia stormed off.
“Why do you care?” Fedora said, frustrated.
“Why do you always have to act like that, Fedora.” Bryan said, angrily.
Fedora slowly sat back down, it felt as if someone had just punched her in the gut. She looked down and stayed quiet, she didn’t know why she cared so much, everyone always yelled at her. Well except Bryan, he always seemed to be on her side. Until now.
“Whatever.” Bryan said, getting up to follow Sacia.
Fedora looked up and watched him leave, sadly. Then she remembered AeGuk sitting right next to her, She looked over at him. He was looking down at his food quietly.
“They’ll get over it, they always do.” Fedora said, patting him on the back..
Hopefully, she thought.

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