Friday, May 10, 2013

Sacia and Bentley?????

Sacia wasn’t quite sure how she found herself in a relationship with Bentley. It’s started innocent enough.
He stopped by at her work one day and asked if she wanted to get some lunch with him. Sacia of course said yes.
They had a good time so they made plans to have lunch again the next day.
Then the next day
And the next day.
And so on until it had become almost a routine. This routine had been going on for about two weeks when Bentley invited her to have dinner with him on Saturday, a day they didn’t usually meet because Sacia didn’t have work on Saturday.
Sacia didn’t even realise that the dinner might have been a date but that was exactly what Bentley wanted.
The kind of date went so well that Sacia realised that she might actually like him like him. But of course she brushed it off, no way could she go out with Fedora’s step brother, whom she hated. Fedora would never forgive her.
But they still met up for lunch the rest of the next week and on Sacia’s free day they went to see the Statue of Liberty since neither of them had seen it yet. It was Bentley’s idea and Sacia couldn't help but think that it was super cute of him to think of something so dorky.
After three weeks of lunches and other dates Sacia realised that they were dating. Which meant she had to tell Fedora, which she was not looking forward to. But first she should check in with Bentley.
“So I have a question,” she asked Bentley while they were walking to their usual lunch spot, the Cafe where she first saw him in New York City.
“Ask away,” Bentley said.
“Are we dating?” Sacia asked, glancing at him quickly.
Bentley laughed, “do you want to?”
Sacia only stopped to think for a second about what Fedora might want her to say before she answered with a quick, ”yeah.”
“Then I guess we are,” he said holding her hand. Sacia couldn’t help but grin. But then she remembered Fedora and the grin hopped off her face.
“What’s wrong?” Bentley asked.
“Well, Fedora...” Sacia started.”Well I don’t know how she’s gonna take it.”
“Badly I assume,” Bentley said, opening the door to the cafe for her. “But you can’t let her control your life,”
“I guess,” Sacia shrugged, “But I don’t want to do something that I know would make her upset.”
“But what if it makes you happy?” Bentley said.
Sacia smiled, “you’re right. I’m not looking forward to telling her though.”
“Well she won’t be here until the weekend, you can tell her then,” Bentley said, “For now let’s just enjoy our lunch.”
“Alright,” Sacia said.
“And now since we’re officially dating, I can kiss you right?” Bentley asked.
Sacia laughed, “of course.”
And then, right there in the middle of the line at the cafe, he kissed her and Sacia completely forgot about how Fedora would react.
But sadly the feeling couldn’t last, as the weekend came and Fedora arrived at her door Friday afternoon.
Sacia of course had been a nervous wreck all day, which led to her sister letting her out of work early after she made one too many mistakes.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but just go home,” she had said.
As soon as she got home Sacia called Bentley and asked him what she should do.
“You’re gonna tell her, right?” Bentley said.
“Of course,” Sacia said, “but how?”
“Just tell her,” bentley said, “Sure she’ll be mad, but she’ll get over it and she has to know someday and sooner is better. Keeping secrets is no fun.”
“Alright, alright, “ Sacia said just as she heard the doorbell ring. “Oh, god, she’s here.”
“Just go, and good luck,” Bentley said.
“Thanks,” Sacia said quickly before hanging up.
After taking a deep breath she opened the door and put on her best excited face.
“Sacia!” Fedora said, giving her a big hug. “School sucks, I’m so excited for a relaxing weekend off.”
Sacia forced a smile, “same.”
Fedora paused and looked at Sacia for a second before asking, “what’s wrong?”
“Oh, nothing,” Sacia said.
“Yeah right,” Fedora said, setting down her back and walking up to Sacia. “Tell me.”
“Uhm...” Sacia said, looking everywhere except at Fedora.
“Ugh, just tell me,” Fedora said, already annoyed.
“Meandbentleyaredating,” Sacia said quickly.
“What?” Fedora asked, and Sacia couldn't tell if she said what because she couldn’t believe it or because she hadn’t understood.
Sacia waited to see if she’d say anything else, but she just looked at her confused.
“Me and Bentley are... dating?” Sacia said.
Now Fedora understood, Sacia could see it in her face.
“Bentley as in my step-brother?” Fedora said.
Sacia nodded.
“Oh my god,” Fedora said, turning around and walking to the couch then turning back around and walking back to Sacia.
“The Bentley I hate, who has made my life a living hell?” Fedora asked.
Sacia nodded.
“Oh,” Fedora said. “Why?”
“I like him, and he likes me?” Sacia said.
“How? How did it happen?” Fedora asked.
“He asked me-”
“Ha!” Fedora cut her off, “It was him who instigated it. I knew it, he’s doing it to hurt me.”
Sacia almost laughed, how had she not seen this coming? Of course Fedora would immediately think it was about her. How conceited.
Fedora paced back and forth going on about how Bentley whole goal in life was to hurt her.
“I can’t take this right now, “Sacia said, “I’m really sorry about this but really it has nothing to do with you. Nothing, okay?”
Fedora stopped pacing and stared at Sacia, “You really believe that?”
“Yes,” Sacia said, “and I don’t like you assuming thing like that about Bentley. I’m tired of it, I’ve been tired of it since Spring break where you stormed out because of him. Can’t you just move on?”
Fedora frowned, “Move on? How can I when he’s not.”
“He has,” Sacia said, “He never hated you in the first place, you just thought he did.”
“He called me fat when we first met,” Fedora said.
“Oh my god,” Sacia said, now completely annoyed, “That is only thing he has ever done against you, other than harmless teasing.”
Fedora glared at her, “You’re my best friend, you are supposed to be on my side!”
And with that Fedora grabbed her bags and stormed out.
Well that didn’t go well.

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