Thursday, February 21, 2013

"Thanks for joining the Committee.”

Dreams Bourg could hardly believe she was graduating High School in a mere four months. She felt as if her high school experience was seriously lacking. Aren't these supposed to be the best years of her life?
She sure hoped they weren’t.
But she wasn’t gonna let them end like this, nope, she wanted her last four months of school to be the best so she did something unlike herself. She joined committees.
First the yearbook committee as someone who apparently just stood around and watched. Then she joined the unthinkable. Prom Committee.
Her original plan was to ignore the prom existed but in a spur of the moment decision she signed up and now she was swept up in the hustle and bustle of the “most important moment in their lives.”
Her first day on the committee she got a couple of stares, okay not a couple. A lot. Probably because she was the only person in the room who wasn’t wearing a speck of pastel.
“Oh, hello,” Tamarai said, jumping up from her seat and walking over to Dreams, “Take a seat. Thanks for joining the Committee.”
Dream took a seat around the table where everyone else was sitting, some of them openly whispering. Probably about her.
Dreams looked around the table at the assortment of people sitting there, all of them preppy and popular. Of course there was Harriette, DaeRi, and Tamarai, none of them seniors but that didn’t stop them from getting into the Prom spirit too.
Then there was a group of people from the Newspaper, they were the whisperers. Also there was a group of cheerleaders who all had the same same high ponytails and were discussing something with the Populars.
Then of course the few stragglers who thought being on Prom committee would make their senior year memorable, like Dreams.
“Okay everyone,” DaeRi said, “Let’s get started. To update the new comers who seemed to take a little while to decide that the Committee was for them, we are trying to decide on a theme today. Since we can’t get  moving till we do that let’s get started.”
“What about an evening in paris?” One of the stragglers said.
“And what is your name?” DaeRi asked.
“Brittany,” she said. Brittany had long blond hair that was styled into a very tight bun on the top of her head, which seemed to go with her very dancer inspired outfit.
“Okay, Brittany, I’ll write your suggestion,” DaeRi said. “Anyone else?”
“Mascarade!” One the cheerleaders said.
Harriette yawned, “so cliche. Same with Night in Paris. We need to do something new and exciting.”
“You’re not even a senior,” the cheerleader said, “Your opinion doesn’t matter.”
“I’m on the committee, my opinion counts,” Harriette said, “And I think we all agree that this should be the best prom yet?”
The cheerleader sighed, she couldn’t argue with Harriette, especially as everyone nodded their agreement.
“What about space?” one of the other random girls said.
“I like it,” Harriette said, “Write it down.”
“What about ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’,” one of the newspaper girls said.
“Like the movie?” Harriette said, “I like it. Sophisticated.”
“Oooh, what about the seventies?” one of the other newspaper girls said.
“Okay write that down too,” Harriette said “Though it’s a little tacky.”
Suddenly Harriette face lit up, “Candyland! Oh it’s perfect. And adorable. Just imagine it.”
Dreams couldn’t help it, she just started laughing. Candy land? How tacky could you get.
Everyone stared at her.
“Oh I’m. It’s just. Candyland?” Dreams struggled to speak through her laughs, “I know I’m not going to anything themed candyland.”
Everybody was silent, wondering what they should do.
Finally Harriette broke the silence, “Okay. Fine. Got a better idea?”
Dreams shrugged, “Anything would be better than that.”
Harriette glare suddenly changed and she grinned looking past Dreams towards the door.
“Collin!” Harriette said, bouncing up from her chair and running towards him. Dream groaned, Collin? Dreams didn’t like Collin, for plenty of reasons. One being that he had no personality, he literally just followed Harriette around being her personal little puppet. How annoying. Seemed she wasn’t the only one, because DaeRi let out a sigh and turned back to her notebook frowning.
“Come sit,” Harriette said. “You’re just in time, we were trying to think of a theme.”
Collin sat next to Harriette, taking the seat where Harriette was originally sitting, right next to DaeRi. DaeRi now openly glared at him. Dreams wondered what was up with her, but decided that she didn’t actually care, she was just glad that nobody was paying attention to her anymore.
“Got any ideas?” Harriette asked.
“Uhm, not really,” Collin said, looking uncomfortable. “I’m not even going, so I don’t see why my opinion counts.”
“Because you’re on the committee,” Harriette said, “All of our opinions counts. Here’s our ideas so far;” she reached over and took the notebook form DaeRi, “space, seventies, and candyland! that last one was mine. Oh and ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s.’”
Collin nodded,”those all sound good.”
“But candyland’s the best right?” Harriette said.
Dreams stifled a laugh, how could anyone stand to be around Harriette for so long. She was like a needy child.
Collin shrugged, “it’s cute.”
“Right?” Harriette said, ignoring that he hadn’t actually agreed with her. “But Miss Emo over there doesn’t like it.”
They all stared at Dreams.
“Dreams,” Dreams said, “My name is Dreams. And I think that the candyland theme is a little obnoxious, and a lot of people probably will think it’s stupid.”
“But you don’t know?” Harriette said.
Dreams sighed, “Whatever I was just saying my part, I thought all of our opinions are important.”
“Oh, yeah, of course,” Harriette said. “Thanks for your opinion.”
After that the focus shifted back onto Harriette as more people offered their opinions.
After what felt like an eternity the meeting was finally over and they had a long list of Theme suggestions, but no concrete theme.
“Everyone should think about the theme and we’ll take a vote next time,” DaeRi said.
Dreams couldn’t wait to leave and get away from all these preppy popular people and never come back. Unfortunately that didn’t happen quickly as Harriette followed her out and quickly fell in step with her.
“I’m sorry about earlier,” she said. “I just really liked my idea, I guess I got carried away.”
Dreams shrugged, “Whatever. I don’t really care. I probably won’t even go to prom.”
“What, why?” Harriette asked, looking genuinely shocked.
“I’m not a big fan of dances,” Dreams said.
“But it’s your senior year,” Harriette said, “Your last chance to have some real high school fun.”
Dreams shrugged, again, “That’s why I joined the committee, hoping for some real high school fun. But I seemed to forget that I don’t mix well with you popular people.”
“Oh, please don’t let me scare you away,” Harriette said, pouting. “I have to go, Collin is waiting for me, but I’ll see you at the next meeting.”
Dream waved as Harriette ran off, back to the meeting room. Harriette was weird, that’s what Dreams decided as she walked away from the school building and drove home.
Maybe she would go to the next meeting.

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