Friday, December 23, 2011

My Christmas Wishlist pt 9; “It’s Christmas!”

Harriette woke up the next morning with Fedora jumping on the bed. Harriette opened her eyes tiredly and realised it was Christmas morning. Suddenly awake she jumped out of her bed and went over to Collin’s and shook him.
“Wake up!” Harriette said.
“Come on!” Fedora said, joining in on the shaking.
“I’m up, I’m up,” Collin said, yawning.
“It’s Christmas!” Harriette exclaimed.
“Oh,” Collin said, suddenly completely awake.
“Come on!” Fedora said running out of the room.
Collin and Harriette followed Fedora out of the room and downstairs. Fedora already had her stocking and was eating something chocolaty. Harriette got her own and sat next to Fedora. Collin got his and went to sit next to Bentley, who was already awake when they came down, on the couch.
“Lollipops!” Harriette exclaimed as she looked through her stocking which was full of lollipops, her favorite candy. She also got a bunch of little wind up toys, some candy canes, two little box of chocolates, a pack of headbands, and some bow clips.
“This is great,” Fedora said with her mouth full of chocolate.
“Ew,” Harriette said.
Fedora swallowed, “Sorry.”
Bryan came downstairs and sat with them with his stocking. He rummaged through it without even saying good morning.
“Good morning to you too,” Fedora said sarcastically.
“What?” Bryan said.
Harriette laughed.
Once everyone was awake and downstairs Harriette’s mom made some hot chocolate for everyone then said it was time to open presents. Fedora jumped up and clapped causing everyone to laugh.
They each got a gift and the unwrapping commenced!
Afterward Fedora and Harriette were talking about what they got, Fedora was raving about her new skateboard.
“I knew my mom wouldn’t get me one,” Fedora was saying, “but I had hope your mom would after I broke my old one, and she did! I can’t wait to just go out there and ride it!”
Harriette smiled at her friend and then looked over at Collin who was taking pictures of Bentley with his new camera, he just recently got into photography.
“Harriette,” Fedora said, “you always do that.”
“What?” Harriette said.
“I was talking and you just stopped paying attention,” Fedora said, “I saw you staring at Collin, which you do way to much. It’s like you’re keeping tabs on him, he’s not going to runaway.”
“Sorry,” Harriette apologized.
“That’s fine,” Fedora said, shrugging, “So, what’s your favorite gift?”
“Um,” Harriette said thinking, she loved all of the gifts!
“Don’t tell me you love all of them,” fedora said, “‘Cause that is a cop out.”
“But I do,” Harriette said.
Fedora laughed.
“Hey,” Tamarai said, sitting down next to Harriette.
“Hi,” Harriette said.
“What was your favorite gift?” Fedora asked Tamarai.
“Um,” Tamarai said, “probably the cocoa set.”
Fedora laughed, “The cocoa set? You got a new MP3 player and you like the cocoa set better?”
“Yes,” Tamarai said.
Harriette smiled at her, she always seemed to like the simple things. That and she did love hot cocoa.
“Wow,” Fedora said, “But you do like the MP3 player, right?”
“Oh, of course!” Tamarai said, “Definitely.”
“Good,” Fedora said, opening up a chocolate bar.
“How many have you eaten so far?” Harriette asked.
“I think this is my third chocolate bar,” Fedora said, “but I ate some other chocolates too.”
Harriette laughed.
Soon her mom called them into the dining room for Christmas dinner and they ate happily talking about there presents and other things.
Overall Harriette thought that this was definitely a great Christmas and she could not believe it was going to be over so soon. It felt like only a few minutes when she climbed into bed that night after all the guests had gone and went to sleep thinking how she got everything off her Christmas wish list, Santa must of been paying attention.

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